Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This document describes the details of the online Privacy Policy (the “Privacy Policy”) for this website, and/or its affiliated sites (the “Site”). If you have any objection to the Privacy Policy, you should not access or use this Site.

If you are located in the European Union, please be aware that your consent regarding the personal information you have provided may be transferred to and stored in countries outside of the EU, including the United States and Canada.


Linepharma international Inc. collects and uses your personal information in order to provide you with convenient access to MIFEGYMISO (Mifepristone / Misoprostol), superior customer service and to keep you informed about the latest updates and the like.


We collect information about you in several ways. We need your information when you register with Linepharma International Inc. As a healthcare professional, you may be asked to provide personal information on the various pages of this site. For example, this may include requests for specific details to create a user account or provide the functionality to contact us by email. The types of personal information we collect include your name, practice address, email address, phone number, Health Practitioners Regulatory Body of Canada number, and copy of credentials if you are a physician practitioner.

We collect this information for specific purposes including the following:

  • confirm your skills as a doctor or pharmacist;
  • ensure that we have your contact details, in particular your email address, to inform you of future changes to the prescription or approved dispensing;
  • drug information, authorization, or benefits for MIFEGYMISO (Mifepristone, Misoprostol);
  • maintain a database of Certified Prescribers and Certified Distributors hosted on the Linepharma International Inc. website, and grant only Certified Prescribers and Certified Distributors access rights to this database;
  • respond to your questions and comments.


We protect the security of the data you send to us through physical, electronic and managerial procedures. We use the industry standard Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol for web pages where personal information is required.


When you browse our site, we do not collect your personal information, however, your browser informs us about the type of computer operating system you are using. We use “cookie” technology. See Cookies Policy. They do not reveal any of your personal information. We use cookies to study traffic patterns on our site so that we can continually improve our site.


1. We communicate these privacy guidelines to our employees.

2. We do not knowingly solicit personal information from those under the age of 19.

3. Our website contains links to other sites. We do not share your information with these sites and are not responsible for their privacy practices.

4. Our company’s privacy policy is subject to change at any time. Please review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes.

Formerly Celopharma Inc., Linepharma International Inc. is a subsidiary of Nordic Pharma BV.